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TIME TO SEPARATE YOURSELF SCRIPTURE – 2Tim 2:19                                                                                                                                     DECEMBER, 2022

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.
And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.



In this last month of the year, and following the results of the November elections,, the message is one of both hope, and again warning.

On the Good Side, according to the first part of our subject scripture, we are assured that, irregardless of how things are going in our lives, this nation, and around the world, God is still in control, and He knows each and every one of us that are His.

Not only that, but, He has sealed us.

This means, just like you put something that you want to preserve/protect in to a container of some sort, then you close and seal it, so that nothing or no one can get to it to damage it.

In this season that we celebrate to birth of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I recall several of the prophecies that foretold the purpose of His coming.

Here are just a few of many.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” [Isa. 9:6]

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. [Mat. 1:21]

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. [Mat.1:23]

These, and many other scriptures, announced what this Birth was about, and the mission that would be fulfilled by this particular Child.

During this time of the year, the vast majority of us tend to take this time to be one of over indulging ourselves with the idea of giving/receiving gifts, getting together with family and friends to strengthen/renew relationships, and just having a good time.

Oh, most of us know what the holiday is about, if asked, but, that has become secondary to our other pursuits in life.

The true reason for the season, has been replaced with another individual, Santa Clause!!!

Ol' Saint Nick, as he is sometimes referred to, is an individual who, is supposed to be representative of the spirit of this season, by going all over the world in one 24 hour period, giving gifts to all the little boys and girls, with the stipulation that they have been 'nice', or else he will overlook them.

Of course we know that that is not the case in every instance, as some good children have to do without because their parents were too poor to buy them things, as well as some parents giving gifts to their children, who, have been downright bad.

The point is, Christmas, and Santa Clause, are supposed to reflect the idea that God gave humanity the most Precious Gift that He had, and that was His Son, Jesus.

So, man replicates this idea of giving gifts to all their loved ones in that spirit.

But, over time, the idea of this season being one with Christ being the main focus of the season, has become out of step with many, and as such, you have been seeing signs, and cards in which the 'Christ', in Christmas, has been replaced with an 'X!'

This 'X' symbolizes the rejection of 'Christ' as being the reason for the season.

Now, I am not going to go in to all the details of how this came about, but, I will say this. As a Christian, one of those that has been 'sealed' by God, the idea of going along with this by sending cards and gifts with the term 'Xmas' on them, is tantamount to your saying that you do not accept your heritage, and the Lordship of Christ!

All that this season is about, has literally been cast aside, for what???

It usually has to do with, not wanting to offend people!!

Why should people be offended???

Because among other things, Jesus made it perfectly clear, when He said that He, and He alone, is the only means by which man can be reunited with the Father.

St. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

If you will notice, He said He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life, and not A way/truth/life!!

Men can agree to disagree on many things, and still be friendly towards one another. However, when it comes to 'religion', that is a whole other ball game.

Some of the most deadliest wars, that have cost untold billions of lives, have been over 'religion.'

As a result, man has come up with the idea that, in order to show ourselves friendly to others, we should just hold our position to ourselves, and go along with what others are thinking.

In other words, it is OK to be a Christian, when you are at home, or in church, but, when you are around others, that may not share your 'faith', then you should put a lid on it, and keep it to yourself.

Let me ask you something!

What if Jesus took this same point of view while He was here??

Obviously, He would probably not have been crucified!! And, if that was the case, then, where would you and I that are 'saved/born again, be today??

What if His disciples had held to that same position on the day of Pentecost, and thereafter??

Where would you and I be today?? Probably lost, and on our way to hell!!!

I think about Stephen, the first known Christian martyr, being stoned to death, for preaching the Word of God, without fear of offending people, especially leadership, even to the point of doing it while drawing his last breaths!!

If Stephen had only held his peace, he probably would have lived to a good old age.

The point is, if it hadn't been for these individuals daring to go against the grain, and offending people, I would dare say, there would be no salvation for any of us!!

It is THIS SALVATION, that was at the root of God's Plan, when He sent Jesus here to complete.

And, it was something that was a Gift!! Something that was given, even though we did absolutely nothing to earn it!!

You know, I have heard people say that, 'when someone gives you something, that you didn't earn or deserve, you tend to treasure it less than if you had earned it!!

You tend to enjoy those gifts for awhile, then you throw them in a closet somewhere or give them to someone else.

Could this be the reason for our disregard for the purpose of Christmas??

Is it something to enjoy for a minute, then be rejected because it doesn't fit in to our politically correct way of thinking??

Well, as insignificant as it may seem, this attitude, as addressed in Rev. 3:14-17, carries with it a spirit of being comfortable with the things of this world, and not realizing the gravity of your situation in the eyes of God/Christ!!

Don't you know that when the time comes, this same Christ, that you have been ignoring/rejecting/using only when all other means at your disposal have failed, will be the same One that will be your Judge, as to whether you go in to eternal life, or eternal damnation?

This brings me in to the last part of our subject scripture which says, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Notice the wording.

What it is saying is that there are those of us, that even though we are saved/sealed, need to get away from, or stop participating in things that go against what Christ commands.

You see, the way things are today, just about everything that God says is evil/sin, has been accepted as being the 'norm.'

This past November, after it was struck down by the Supreme Court, women, a lot of men, many of whom call themselves Christians, jumped on-board the pro-choice train, with the intentions of keeping abortion acceptable in individual states.

It is bad enough for the ungodly to take such a stance, but totally another when those that name the name of Christ, to join in with this abomination.

Then, we have those that joined in to support the legislation that made gay marriage acceptable in this nation.

Once again, except in a few cases, Christians remained silent. This means in both cases, they were saying, 'It doesn't matter one way or the other, God has given His approval to these things, so the Stephen's out there need to shut up!!!'

Then of course, we have the old position of 'Separation of Church and State!'

This position essentially tells God/Christ, that when it comes to running this nation, He can 'butt-out', because we can fun this nation just fine, without His Help!!'

Have you seen the condition we are in today???

Crime is rampant, our kids are being killed in record numbers by violence, in accidents and other means. Our economy is in a mess. Foreign powers and terrorists, have us essentially quaking in our boots, afraid to do anything that might set them off.

If this is what you consider 'just fine', then I want a second opinion!!!

Of course, I have that Second Opinion, but, do you???

You do, if you follow this ministry, because I put it out there every day!!

It is in times like this, that the Church should be taking the lead on these things.

Yet, they are strangely silent!!


Because it pays to be silent, and to go along with the crowd!!

That's right, much of the silence from Church leadership, is due to one thing and that is, they are being rewarded to be silent, and not 'rock the boat!!'

Without mentioning any names, even though you probably know who I am talking about, These preachers are raking in all sorts of cash and benefits for their churches and organizations, from government, and groups, that need them to maintain their silence, so that they can further expand their agenda.

But, that silence, comes at a cost!! Many souls are departing this life every day, and headed in to hell, because those that were charged with telling them the Truth, didn't do so.

The Bible tells us, that because the man of God, did not warn the people about their evil ways, the people who died and ended up in hell, would end up being a testimony against that preacher when his time came to be judged.

Ezek. 33:6 But if the watchman [preacher] see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's [preacher's]hand.

Now, just because the term watchman/preacher is used here, does not absolve any Christian of the responsibility of giving warning to the ungodly about their evil ways.

There are people around you today, that would receive the warning from you because of their trust in you, that would reject that same warning from anyone else.

That my friend, puts you in the position of being a 'watchman', over their souls.

Being silent, means being complicit in their iniquity. And as Jesus says, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

It is time for all Christians to be about the Father's business, in getting people to turn from their wicked ways before it is too late!!

Times is running out for them, and especially you.

It is time to separate yourself from being 'lukewarm', and being on fire[hot] for Christ!!

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