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IT'S NOT THEM, IT'S US!! [3] SCRIPTURE – Matthew 7:3-5                                                                                                                                                                 MAY, 2022

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.



When I left off last month, I said I will close this message, giving you the more serious problem we face, thanks to black leadership!!

Time and again, whenever a situation occurs in out community, even when there is no white person, on which the blame can be directly put on, black leadership/preachers, will give the impression that the problem, had its root/or was seeded, because of 'systemic-racism' on the part of whites.

Last month, I mentioned the position Jesus Christ has on forgiveness. He essentially said, 'If you are not willing to forgive your brother, then God, will not forgive you!”

When you keep bringing up someone's past, especially after they have asked your forgiveness/repented, and still seek to punish them for it, then you are going to catch hell from God, because you are essentially saying, 'I don't care what God says, I am going to make you pay for what you did, until I die. And, if you die, I am going to blame your relatives.'

Now, let me remind you of one key thing.

If God took that attitude towards us, then, there would be no such thing as Salvation!!! God was willing to sacrifice His Son, for the sole purpose of getting us back in to a position of Righteousness. This carried with it the promise that the Blood of Jesus Christ, would cover up our sins, and that God, would remember them, no more [Heb. 10:17].

So, God is willing to do this for us, but you want to ignore all that, and do what you want. And then you wonder why you are catching all this hell that is going on in our community!! Hypocrites!!

And why do you think like this???? Black preachers!!!

There is a parable [in Mat. 18:23-35] that give a clear picture of what I am talking about. Yet, these preachers either haven't read it, or they ignore it. Verses 33-35, set the stage as to what we can expect for our unforgiveness!

These preachers are the main cause of all our problems [bar-none]. And, when I say black preachers, I am talking about those that are seen as leaders in our communities.

There are some black preachers who follow what God says to the letter, and those in leadership, want to have nothing to do with them.

And, make no mistake about it, I am talking about upwards of 92 percent of all churches, and denominations, that are the cause of our problems.

Even when someone addresses the wrong that we are doing, as a community, the common reply is, 'whites have been/are doing the same thing, why don't you go tell them that first??'

Well first of all, take a look at the subject scriptures again. And, since I am black, I take the stand of getting my own house together, before I go around trying to straighten out someone else's house/community.

Even within our own community, amongst ourselves, we use this same logic if someone tries to tell us we are doing something wrong. What we end up saying is, 'mind your own business!!'

What this is a sign of, is our unwillingness to accept blame for anything, because it puts the blame for our misery, on us!! In other words, it makes us look stupid, and not as smart as we are being led to believe we are, by these black leaders.

Pride, is by far the biggest obstacle we face, in our walk in this life. Truly, over half of our problems are centered around pride. There are 2 others that the Bible addresses, and they are 'the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes.' [1John 2:15-17].

The reason I say pride is the worst is because, if you look at what it entails, it explains why people lust after things.

When you see something that someone else has, that you don't, that injures your pride, and you begin to figure out how to get it from them, or get one like, or better than it.

Now, here is what all of this is leading up to.

Here you have preachers, who are supposed to be men/women of God, through Jesus Christ, leading their followers/listeners/flock, into direct conflict with the God/Christ, they are supposed to be serving!!

In other-words, they are saying, they know what is best for us, than God does. God's word, the Bible, was written by man [more specifically, the white man], to keep us [the black man], under their feet.

Now, any time you decide to go against what God says, no matter what it is, big or small, you are going to end up paying a price for it. The size of that price depends on the size of the offense, or sin.

In our case, I am only going to deal with the most serious offenses.

Today, our community is plagued by the worst of the worst. Crime, and disease.

Now, while these things are spread to all communities in this nation, no other community is suffering nearly as much as ours is.

No matter what it is, if it is bad, we are suffering the worst, or rank at the top of the list. If it is good, we rank at the very bottom of the list.

Let me tell you what I am talking about.

When it comes to things like murders [all ages, especially toddlers, and the innocent], we top the list by nearly 5 times more than the next community on the list. And, by the way, I am talking about those committed by others in our community!!

When it comes to deaths by other means such as accidents, drugs, and illnesses, once again, we are at the top by nearly twice as many as the next community.

I am pretty sure, when it comes to illnesses, most of you know, that we have the highest rates of succumbing to the serious ones, while others recover, when given the exact same treatments.

All of the above, are proven statistics. And in each case, I am giving you the conservative side of the issue, which means, I may be on the low end of the actual numbers. They could be even worse.

What do all of these things have in common, you might ask!!

They all show that there is a serious problem with what is happening to us, and our thinking as to what is the cause!!!

While we might like to find scapegoats for some of our problems, there is none to be found with any of these. It is all on us!!!

And how do I arrive at this conclusion?? By looking at things from God's point of view!!! Something those preacher/leaders don't do.

As a Christian minister, called/educated by God, by way of the Holy Spirit, I am supposed to look at everything through the eyes of Christ. Period!!

If I mix any of the factors that man tries to insert in to the situation, then God's message has been essentially nullified. And as a result, nothing will work as it should.

Here is a clear direction from God on how and where to affix blame for your/our situation.

First. God is in control of everything. Nothing bad can happen to you unless God allows it to happen.

Second. This means, when bad things happen to us, we need to ask, why did He allow it to happen??

Third. We need to go to Him, or one of His ministers, for the answers.

Our problem is, we can't identify what is, or is not instruction from God. Just because it sounds right is not good enough. You need to know beyond a shadow of doubt, which is which.

The only way to do that is to study the Bible, and get to know God/Christ, for yourself.

Bible study, and Sunday school, are a good place to start. However, if you are in the wrong church, then you are going to get very little, if any, good direction.

Here are a few things to help you identify what kind of church you are in.

If the pastor, or leadership of the church, spends very little time on Bible scriptures, meaning, they very simply tell you what the Bible says, without giving you the scriptures they are quoting, you need to find another church.

If they spend all their time blaming our problems on other communities [whites], or politicians [Republicans], you need to find another church.

Your question now is, why am I talking about Republicans, as if they are not part of our problem??

As I have mentioned before, the Republican party has a proven record of holding to the directions that God gives us to follow, while the Democratic party, is the opposite.

I have also said that no Christian should be a part of, or be supporting the Democratic party.

Here is what supporting the Democratic party means, like it or not!!!

You are supporting the slaughter of over 78 million unborn babies [1.5M/yr since 1976], irregardless of whether you say you are against it.

You are supporting the LBGTQ community in their lifestyle, as well as redefining the Holy Union of Matrimony, so that 2 women, or men, can marry.

You are supporting the idea that the state, does not need any help from God, when it comes to solving its problems, which, by the way, is one of the ain reasons for our problems.

You are supporting the idea that God, gives us special favor over others [whites], meaning God, is a respector of persons, when the Bible clearly states He isn't!!

This last one, is the main reason most of us support this party. It all has to do with affirmative action, and civil rights.

While they claim to be the champions of these 2 things, which in reality they aren't, they draw you in to the web of supporting all the other things you claim you don't support.

In the eyes of God it makes no difference. You are guilty of all.

Have you noticed how, when Democrats want our support in any critical situation, as it is in this coming election, that they bring up civil rights, and systemic-racism, and how the Republican party supports the latter, as a means to win our votes?? And we fall for it hook, line and sinker, because of black preachers!! Hypocrites!!!

As I implied earlier, they are either blind to these things, or, they are benefiting from them financially.

The white community sees this, but says nothing to us about it, because it is not their job to straighten us out. It is our job to do that.

And, evidently the people we choose to listen to, don't know what they are talking about, or selling us out, so once again, the blame is on us.

What we have here, is not systemic-racism, but, systemic-stupidity.

We have chosen in our ignorance, to, in effect, go to war with God!!

Think about it!!

Here you are, supporting just about every thing He hates, and rejecting every thing He says, and when you suffer the consequences, you want to blame the white man???

So, the black-on-black killings, the accidents, the deaths to diseases, the rates of poverty and homelessness and functional illiteracy are all the white man's fault???

I have another word for it. It is called a curse!!

Only God can control things like this, and as I mentioned earlier, He only allows things like this to occur, when He is displeased with something we either are, or are not doing.

And, once again one of the things we are doing is 'falsely accusing our brothers/sisters, for something that we have brought on ourselves.

It is time to repent, and change leadership!!