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THE FORGOTTEN MISSION SCRIPTURE – 1 JOHN 3:8                                                                                                                                                   APRIL, 2024

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.



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This month's message, is one that ALL CHRISTIANS, need to take heed to! For it is this part of the mission of the Church, that is going mostly ignored. Especially when it comes to the black community.

You see, the Church, as the Body of Christ, has as its Marching Orders, to Preach the Gospel [Mark 16:15-16, Matt. 28:19-20].

Now, as I have mentioned before, when preaching the Gospel, there must, of necessity be some sort of demonstration of the benefits of accepting the message that the Gospel presents.

If we look at verses 17-18, in Mark 15, you will see that Jesus is telling His disciples what they should be doing along with preaching the Gospel Message. They are to use the supernatural powers that they will be endowed with, to prove that the Gospel is truly, backed by God.

This is the total message of the Gospel!!

In fact, if we look at what the Apostle Paul pinned in [1Cor. 2:4-5] And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, BUT IN DEMONSTRATION OF THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but IN THE POWER OF GOD.

If you read the book of Acts, starting in chapter 2, after the Church became empowered by the Holy Spirit, you will see how that the Gospel message was so well received, that 3000[v 41] people joined the Church [meaning they accepted Christ/got saved].

As Paul eluded to, if it weren't for this Power, then, the Gospel would be little more than any of the other tales that men can come up with to get people to follow them.

This brings us to the Church, today. More specifically the Church in the black community.

I say it like this, because, as far as God is concerned, there is no such thing as a 'black church!!'

The very idea of a 'black church', carries with it the notion that God has a different set of rules for blacks, and whites, which goes totally against the very nature of God.

If you are a human being, then, I don't care what color your skin is, what your religious affiliation/denomination is, how old you are, or what your background and family history is, you are under the same commandments as everyone else is, IF, you are Saved.

Those that believe in this garbage of different rules for different races [black and white], just might be surprised when you stand before Christ in judgment, and get dispatched to Hell!![Mat. 7:23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The whole idea of denominations, is one of the most effective works of the Devil.

Nowhere in the Bible, will you find any thing that comes near to identifying a Church by denomination. The only thing your will find is Churches identified by their location [Rome, Galatia, Ephesus, Corinth and such]. That's it.

Of course, in the book of Revelations, we find that there are 7 Churches in Asia that are named, but, these are not denominations.

Now, with denominational, and racial identification of a Church, those churches are acting outside of the direction of God, and as a result, are not empowered by Him.

The result is, their message has no support/Power of God operating within it, which essentially renders it to nothing more than a place people go, to get entertained, or indoctrinated in to some form of Devilish foolishness.

Now, since I am black, I am specifically addressing the Churches/Christians in the black community.

Not all Churches in our community subscribe to this lunacy, unfortunately, most do!!

And the worst thing about it is, they are the ones that are the most popular, the biggest, and unfortunately, the most corrupt!!

As I mentioned earlier, with them being like this, their drawing power, comes from other sources than the demonstration of the Power of God! In that area, they are completely impotent.

So, what is it that draws masses of people to them??

It is the message of the Gospel, without the demonstration of Power.

This Gospel, tells its listeners that God is reaching out to them, to come back to Him, because He loves them. It tells them to come as they are. They don't have to get their lives straight first, as some other churches teach.

Therefore, those that are seeking God, feeling that they are not too far gone to be outside of His Mercy, will come, in droves. Others may come because of the popularity of the pastor in their community, while others may come because of the celebrities that often attend services there.

Whatever the reason, they get there, and are made to feel welcome, which is where the problems begin to come in.

Now true, Jesus invites every last one of us to come to Him, to find comfort and peace of mind.

However, in order to find that, you have to be willing to abandon your sinful ways, with His help, and be transformed, from the inside out!!

This is the part of the Gospel message that is absent in these Churches. And, with that being the case, there is no Power available to those that come there, because the Church itself, has no Power.

It's like having the most modern electrical appliance, let's say, a refrigerator, with all the bells and whistles on it, but, it hasn't been plugged in.

As long as it remains unplugged, it will not benefit you one iota. It will just sit there and look nice.

Oh, you can still put food in it, but, if the food requires cold temperatures to keep from spoiling, then, after a day or so, you will have to throw it out.

Only when it is plugged in, will it do what it is supposed to do.

Well, if you can understand that, then, you can understand what I am talking about when it comes to these churches in our community.

They look nice, even spectacular. They are large, comfortable, air-conditioned, carpeted floors, cushioned pews, the pulpit is immaculate, the choir is spectacular, and the pastor can really perform.

But, because it is not plugged in to God, there is no Power to effectively carry out what the Gospel is supposed to do.

Contrast that, with a little known Church, in a storefront setting, or in a rented space in a local recreation center or YMCA, that preaches the exact same Gospel. It, emphasizes the need for people to turn away from their sins, and holds to preaching the need for repentance, and is able to demonstrate what happens when a person is willing to pursue that goal, and, God's Power is demonstrated.

Between the two, which one would you rather be in??

But, those in the popular Churches, don't hear about these Churches, because they don't have any of the attractions that appeal to the ungodly, which says they can still go to Heaven, while still being actively involved in their sinful ways, which shows that they love them[their sinful ways], more than Christ!!

These popular Churches, are overlooking one of the main purposes that the Church was put here to do.

Look at the subject verse!!

It tells us that Christ's purpose for being manifested [coming here physically], was to tear down, destroy, render impotent, the works of the Devil.

He started the work, but, did not finish it. If He had, then there would be no need to equip the Church, with all the necessary tools, talking about Spiritual Weapons, to combat and defeat the devil.

Ephesians 6:10-22, outlines that part of the Church's mission that they [popular Churches], have forgotten about!

We are in a constant warfare, and, there is nothing that you or I can do physically, that will help us win this battle. It takes the Power of God, by way of the Holy Spirit, to do it!!

That means, you can't legislate it in to defeat!!! You can't, render some defenseless, or even kill them, and have victory over the problem.

In fact, the only thing you will do by looking to these actions, to stop it, will only serve to strengthen it!!

And, that is exactly what these popular Churches are doing.

They are not only, not tearing down the strongholds of the enemy, they are helping to reinforce them.

2 Corinthians 10:4 - For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;..........

The reason I specifically target Churches in the black community is, besides my being black, these churches, in large part, are the major cause of this nation's problems.


Because, without the support of these Churches, the political party that holds to supporting the things that God hates, would not be in the position it is in today. Period!!

In any election cycle, where the national direction is on the line, you will see those that like to predict outcomes remark along the lines of 'the only way the GOP will win, is if the black vote is not there!!'

And, who is it that urges blacks to not only get out and vote, but tells them who to vote for?? Black Churches [Preachers]!!

And, it is because of this very reason, that the black community is suffering all of the ills that it is.

Despite everything we try to do, we still remain figuratively at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to those things that are a sign of prosperity. While at the same time remain at or near the top of the ladder when it comes to those things that show the negative side of life.

Crime, immorality, poverty, illiteracy, drugs and alcohol addiction, mortality rates of infants, and our young people, and prison population.

You name it, if it is bad, we are usually at a rate of at least twice the national average, and in other cases three times or higher. This despite our making up only about 20 to 25 percent of the entire population.

All of the aforementioned things, are the strongholds that the devil is using to keep us under his control.

And it is these same things that the Church was put here to destroy.

And, you want to know what really makes it bad??

Is when these preachers go on the attack, against anyone who is standing on the entire Word of God, and refuses to compromise, whether they are black or white.

If the person is white, they will be labeled a racist, if they point out the issues with these churches. If the person is black, like myself, the terms used are uncle Tom, sellout,

What these people refuse to admit to, is that they are responsible for the majority of this nation's ills, and will do whatever it takes to hide that from their followers.

What they need to be more concerned about is what is waiting for them, when they stand before Christ, who knows what they were doing and He dispatches them to hell, along with all the millions of souls that are there, because they listened to these devils.

Believe it or not, that is not all that they are guilty of.

In a lot of instances, they even try to make it seem as if God, Himself, supports what they are doing.


Well, if you consider the function of the pulpit in a Church, it is tantamount to 'Holy Ground', or even, the 'Holy of Holies!!'

It is the place where, when the preacher sets foot in it, to deliver the message to the people, the Holy Spirit, rises up in him, and tells him what to say.

Well, when representatives of this particular political party, talking about Democrats are allowed to stand there, that is like allowing the devil in to a place that is sacred.

What do you think God's response will be?? I wouldn't want to be in those shoes!!