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(THIS IS WAR!!! [3]) SCRIPTURE – 2Cor 10:4                                                                                                                                                                       AUGUST, 2019

(For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)



When I left off last month, I asked a very simple question. That question was, 'given the knowledge of what will happen to the Devil and his followers as identified in this passage of scripture, Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the LEFT hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, INTO EVERLASTING FIRE, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS:, and seeing that they are identified as those being on the 'LEFT' side of God, at the Day of Judgment, then why would anyone, especially Christians, choose to align themselves with them???

It's very simple. Blind leadership!!!

Remember I said in part 1, that most of our so-called preacher leadership in this nation, and especially in the black community, wouldn't know the Devil/Antichrist if he hit them over the head with a 2x4??

Well, here is the perfect example of that ignorance.

We have a political party that proudly bears the identity of being the 'LEFT', yet these preachers can't see it. Or they do, but just don't care.

Many of them will say 'that's just semantics!! It's no big deal!!!'

Oh, Really???

If you look at the whole of what they stand for and support, it is the total opposite of what Christ/the Church stands for.

Here are some examples.

God says murderers should be put to death [Gen 9:6]. The “LEFT' calls that immoral. That means God is immoral!!

God calls homosexuality, an abomination [Lev 18:22, 20:13]. The 'LEFT' calls it 'homophobia.' Some even go so far as to say that God, made them that way! This implies that God either made a mistake, or He will overlook their lifestyle, because He has changed His views on this issue.

God says children need to be spanked, when necessary, for their own spiritual well-being [Prv 22:15, 23:13-14]. The 'LEFT' calls this child abuse and bullying!!

God says that the babies in the wombs of their mothers, were known to Him before they were created [ISA. 44:2a, 49:1c, 49:5a,], and, are even sanctified for a particular purpose known only to Him, when they grow up[ JER. 1:5]. They are also a part of Him[PSA. 127:3]. The 'LEFT', calls them fetuses, and not human until they are separated from the mother. If they kill them in the womb, then, it is no big deal. It is a stillbirth, and can be discarded as garbage. All this to protect the woman's right to choose.

Jesus tells us that without Him, we can't do anything. [St. John 15:5]. The 'LEFT' says, we can solve our problems without any assistance from God/Christ!! It's called 'separation of Church and state!'

God set up the family as being a man, and a woman being together as one. It's called marriage [Ge 2:24, Mat. 19:5-6, Mark 10:8-9]. Children are an addition to the family structure. The 'LEFT' says that marriage must be redefined to include two people of the same sex/gender [ie homosexuals and lesbians]. And seeing that they can't fulfill God's edict to 'be fruitful, and multiply', they should be allowed to adopt children.

God calls on all mankind to repent, for all are sinners[Rom. 3:9-end], and to be perfect [Mat. 5:48]. The 'LEFT' says there is no need to repent, seeing that no one is perfect, nor can be.

In these few examples, you can see the trend and evidence of the 'LEFT' defying everything that God says.

Yet, we have these devils, masquerading as men/women of God, going around and saying that those that oppose what the 'LEFT' stands for, are the real cause of our problems in this nation, and especially the black community.

Some will say to me, 'preacher, you are going too far!!'

I say, as Al Pacino remarked in the movie 'Scent of a Woman', when challenged to tone down his rhetoric while addressing students, parents and faculty at a college, about the foolishness going on by leadership, I'M JUST GETTING WARMED UP!!!

I want you to look at these two passages of scripture.

2Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

2Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

2Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.



Mat 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Mat 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

A glance at these two passages of scripture reveal the very things that I have been saying, and that is we have devils in the pulpits of some of this nation's most popular churches. And that the mission of the Church, is to go to war with the Devil.

Show me a preacher that supports this nonsense that the 'LEFT' is doing, and I will show you a devil!!

Now, in defense of most of those among us, including the politicians on that side, they are only like that because of the devils in the pulpits of the churches that they are members of, or attend.

In other words, they have been, and are being misled, by these nincompoops!!

They go to church faithfully every Sunday, thinking they are hearing a message from God, which is giving them His approval on what they are doing, when in reality, the message is coming from the Devil.

There is too much foolishness that passes as worship, and the moving of the Holy Spirit in a majority of these churches.

What I mean by that is, just because people in the sanctuary, get a little hyper, get a chill running up and down their spine, start jumping up and down while the preacher is preaching and the organist is enhancing the message, as people start running up and down the aisle, and falling out, does not mean that is the Holy Ghost!!

People do a lot of that stuff at rock concerts, at sporting events when their team wins a big game, when they hit the lottery, or get some really good news.

In fact, God puts heaviness, or conviction on a person for something they are doing wrong. Then the person goes to one of these 'synagogues of Satan', and are told that they are fulfilling what God has purposed for them to do, then their response would be just like the above. Full of joy, peace and deliverance.

But, the thing is, they have just rejected God's correction, and have taken one more step closer to damnation!!!

You know, if you consider the fact that God has a specific path He wants us to walk on, it is the path of 'RIGHTEOUSNESS' [Psa. 23:3]. Those that have chosen a different way, have 'LEFT' the 'RIGHTeous' path.

As I said earlier, all the signs are right there for all to see. The Devil is advertising, waving banners and sending up all types of signals as to what he is doing, yet these preachers can't see it!!

As a result, they pass the message on to their people that 'all is just fine.'

But, it goes further than just that.

These same preachers, not only give what can best be described as 'aid and comfort to the enemy', they also set about to declare a war on those that choose to walk/stay on, the paths of 'RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!'

The bible tells us among other things, Eccl 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and THERE IS NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN.

Eccl 1:10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

Eccl 1:11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.

WHAT THIS MEANS IS, NOTHING THAT IS HAPPENING TODAY, IS HAPPENING FOR THE FIRST TIME!! It has happened in the past, and will happen again in the future, until God puts an end to it!!!

Why is this significant???

Haven't we been told that 'unless you know your history/the past, and the mistakes that were made back then, you are doomed to repeat them??'

Well, taking that as a fact, then, if we really know what has happened in the past, not 50 – 200 years ago, but from the beginning of the conflict between man and God, then there should be no problem in identifying the source and cause of our problem.

The problem is, most of black preacher leadership especially, look at the bible, not as being the Truth of God's Word, but rather a book that was concocted by the white man, to keep the black man down.

As a result, it is only to be looked at with skepticism and even contempt, where you can pick and choose what it says about issues that you may face, and look at the positive things that provide comfort, while ignoring those things that bring conviction, and condemnation.

As a former police officer, I learned how to investigate an accident/crime scene to look for evidence that would help solve what happened.

In a lot of cases, witnesses may say something happened one way, while evidence may say something totally different.

I was trained to see what others may not see at these scenes, even though it is right there in plain sight.

The reason for being able to do this is, witnesses may have some bias or alterior motive for what they are saying happened like protecting themselves/family/friends from getting in trouble, or making someone they don't like, to appear to be guilty.

Now, if you can see the reason for investigation to come to the truth in situations like this, then you can see the problem we have in this nation when these devils seek to hide the truth of what they are doing, while at the same time, casting blame on others, when it comes to what is right, and wrong, and who is responsible.

Now, when it comes to the bible, the One that is responsible for training a person to be able to see past all the fog, deception, and outright lies, is God Himself. After all, if He wants us to know the Truth, then logically it is up to Him to open our eyes so that we can see it.

That is where the Holy Spirit comes in. And that is what these preachers don't have. [more next month]