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(GOD DON'T BLESS NO MESS) SCRIPTURE – Hos 4:6                                                                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY, 2021

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,
that thou shalt be no priest to me: SEEING THOU HAST FORGOTTEN THE LAW OF THY GOD,

The message for this month is a warning of things to come, courtesy of the God, that is known to many, but has evidently been cast aside for the riches and pleasures this world provides.

While looking back at the events that have occurred in this nation, over the past 5 years. I have seen what can best be described as an all out push, by most of the leadership of the Democratic party, to take this nation as far away from God, through Jesus Christ, as they' can get.

And what makes it so bad is the fact that they are doing this, with the backing of most black preachers, who happen to be in leadership in our community.

One would have to ask the question, 'why would they be doing something like this??'

The answer is quite simple.

When you have individuals who, are in positions of power, that have the ability to 'make or break' an entire group of people by passing or rejecting legislation which directly affects those people, you have the makings of a god.

And, the result is, people tend to look to them for whatever it is they need, to sustain them. Their entire livelihoods are centered on one thing, and that is, 'whatever they say, do it!!'

Their reasoning being, 'if I want them to bless me, then I have to be willing to do whatever they say!!'

Typically, the only types of people that think like this, are those that are in the positions of slaves to these individuals. And, with that being the case, that makes those individuals, their masters.

Now I know the word 'slave' is something that the black community has a strong negative reaction to, because of our past history in this nation. And no self-respecting African-American would accept the idea that they are being a 'slave' to anyone.

However, if there are enough people surrounding this individual, that reassure him/her, that this is a good thing, that will serve to better the community, then they will most likely accept what they are being told, for the betterment of all.

Well, since the Church, is supposed to be the centerpiece, or cornerstone of any community, then, the preacher, is the one that holds the key as to which direction the community will be going. Consequently, he, in effect, has become a person that the community looks to for direction.

Now, since the preacher is supposed to be guiding the people as Jesus Christ tells him to do, then, the people assume that whatever he tells them to do, they should do, because it is coming from God!!

However, if this preacher is in the position of being a 'slave' to some other individuals, who have authority over him, so much so, that he looks to them for his own needs, then he is most likely to say and do what these people tell him. And, if that means going against what God says, then, they will most likely do it.

You know, Jesus said something very interesting in [Mat. 6:24, Lk. 16:12]. He says, NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS!!

What is interesting, is that He said 'two', and not, 'more than one.'

What He is saying is, in this life, we are going to serve a master. And there are only 2 that are available. One is God, and the other is the Devil. It doesn't make any difference whether you are making decisions based on your own intellect, or someone else's, the fact remains, if you aren't following God's directions, then by default, you are listening to, and following the Devil.

And, as a result, you are going to pay a steep price for that decision. Especially if you happen to be one that holds the position of a preacher.

The reason being, you are supposed to be Christ's representative. Therefore, people form an image of what Christ is really like, based on what you say, and do.

Now here is something that most Christians fail to consider. The mere fact that you are a Christian, makes you a preacher as well.

How so??

Because you represent Him to your family, friends and such. Therefore, they form their image of Him, based on what you say and do.

If you look at the subject verse, you will notice that God is saying that His people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge.

What He is saying is that the people, don't know what?? They don't know Him!!! And why is that?? Because they either have never heard of Him, or, they have not been told the Truth about Him.

One of the main reasons for the mess we as individuals, the nation, and the world finds ourselves in, has to do with this one point.

If you don't know what is right and wrong, your human nature is such that you will tend to do wrong primarily. And why is that?? Because that is what we inherited from our father, Adam!!

Ever since Adam disobeyed God, man has been separated spiritually, and physically from God. And if you are separated from someone, you can't be expected to know them as well as someone that is close to them, all the time.

That is why God has given us His only begotten Son, to draw us back to Him, so that we can get to know Him, and His ways, so that we can be Blessed by Him.

However, there are those that want you to believe that God, is flexible in His reactions to our decisions about right and wrong. He has mellowed over the centuries. He has become more human in His ways of thinking.

We are inundated with the idea that 'God is Love!!'

In most of our minds, that means He won't do anything to hurt us, or make us angry at Him. He will overlook our disobedience, because He knows we can't be expected to be perfect, because it's His fault that we are the way we are. This type of thinking leads one to believe that God, needs us, more than we need Him!!!

Where does this type of thinking come from?? From preachers who through, what they say and do, deliver that message.

The next part of the subject verse, says the opposite of that when He says, because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you will not be a priest to me!!'

Here He is making it plain that He doesn't Love us so much so, that He will overlook the things we do that go against what He has said. In fact, He will reject us, because we have actually rejected Him. Not only that, He will not allow us to represent Him to the people.

Remember earlier when I said that all Christians are preachers?? That means among other things, God will work with and through us, to prove to ourselves, and others that He is all that He says He is.

That means He will Bless us more than those that disobey Him!! He will do miracles, and other signs and wonders through us, and a lot more.

But, this only comes about through our obedience.

Now look at the last part in all caps!!


If ever there were a warning that by its very wording, should strike fear in the hearts of any rational person, it would be this one thing, that this God, that is supposed to be a God of Love, would, instead of blessing our children, would reject them, because of our actions!!

It is one thing for Him to punish us, but totally another to punish our children!! This, in a lot of our minds is inconceivable. Why?? Because we don't know Him!! Because we are listening to people, who themselves, don't know Him!!

Let me paint the picture for you!!

You are in a world that is likened to a jungle full of savages and wild animals. As a Christian, you have the protection of being in a fortress that is not able to be penetrated by any of the outside forces.

In this fortress, you are supplied with everything you need so that you never have to go outside of its walls. Of course, you are not a prisoner inside it. You can go outside it anytime you wish. Of course, doing so, goes against what God suggests for you not to do.

But, you look out there and you see someone, or thing that entices you to want to get a closer look, so, out the gate you go.

What you have just done is left the safety and protection of the fortress, to go out in to and environment that is totally hostile to you.

After examining what you thought was something you would be interested in, you decide it's not worth your time, all you have to do is come back to the gate, say the magic words, 'I repent', and the gate opens up and you can come back in.

On the other hand, you might get out there and like it, and want to stay there. What you have essentially done, is denounce what you had in the fortress for what you now have outside of it.

Therefore, the protections that you were afforded from the fortress, are now gone, and you are on your own. And, whatever happens to you out there, is solely on you.

But, seeing that your family is protected because of your willingness be obedient to the rules that God has put before you while you were in there, now that you have abandoned them, they essentially will have to leave as well.


Because God does not want to be part of breaking up a family. Therefore, if you leave, the family has to leave with you, meaning they all have been put at risk because of your actions.

A lot of people, including most Christians have gotten it wrong when they say, 'God is going to get you!!' This implies that God takes an active part in retaliating against you for something you have been doing. The reality is, forces are set up in such a way, that things happen 'automatically', according to the conditions and circumstances.

In His Divine Prerogative, He may move to stop something from happening, but He rarely initiates punishment. The only time He initiates something like this is when the offense is massive, and a threat to those that are under His protection.

Now, while you are out there, others inside may be interceding on your behalf, to protect you from harm. But, that can only go so far. At some point, God will have to let them go.

Everyone can remember about the stories of the prodigal son, the woman caught in adultery, and the good Samaritan, as example of God's grace and mercy. But, that is only one side of Him.

There is the side of Him where He actually tells those that are coming before Him on behalf of someone involved deeply in sin, to cease, because He has determined that the person is not worth healing/delivering. Reason being, they would get healed/delivered, and go right back to what they were doing that got them in that position in the first place.

Hos. 4:17, Jer. 7:16, 1 Cor. 5:1-5. Rom. 1:28, Prov. 6:15 and others are examples where God makes it plain that no one should be helping someone that God has relegated to being not worth delivering. When you get to that point, you are close to damnation, without remedy.

This does not necessarily mean that the person will end up in hell. But, it certainly lets us know that God does have a line that He will not go beyond to help someone.

What God certainly will not do, is Bless someone, group, or nation, that continually refuses to take heed to His directions, and prefers to remain on the outside of the fortress of His Protection, and then mock those that refuse to join them.

This is the condition this nation, and especially the black community finds itself in, following the results of this election. And leading the way??? Black preachers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Michael Eric Dyson and others in leadership of our community.

You might think you have something to celebrate. Just wait!! [1Thess. 5:3]