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(IT WAS VERY GOOD!!!! [1] SCRIPTURE – GEN. 1:31                                                                                                                                                          JANUARY, 2019

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, IT WAS VERY GOOD. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Before I get started, I hope that this year will be a safe, prosperous, and happy new year for you and yours!! God has seen fit to let you see it, and therefore, He has plans for you, and I hope that you discover them, and follow His lead, so that you can achieve them.

Now, let's consider the subject verse.

In Genesis, we are given a snapshot view of creation, and we are told that, as God created things, after each operation was completed, we see the phrase, 'and it was good!!'

When He finished, and surveyed the finished product, He said “it was very good!!'

Have you ever listened to any type of classical music, played by an orchestra?? Or gone to a movie?? Or watched any type of TV show??

Have you ever purchased a house, a car, an appliance, or any other manufactured item???

What do all these things have in common??

They all achieve the desired goal when each and every part is put in its right place, and functions as it was designed, scripted, or composed to do.

When you consider an orchestra, you have all types of instruments being played by all different types of people. Yet, when they stick to the composition that is before them, the sound that they produce, is as comfortable and sweet as it can be.


Because each musician is sticking to the script [so to speak]. It is a smooth blend that soothes the ear. If one person is off-key, it would be noticed right away, and the result would be a less than perfect production of a masterpiece.

The same thing goes for movies, and TV shows. Every character has a part to play, and as long as they stick to that part, as scripted, the result is good. If any of the actors/actresses doesn't follow the script, the result could be failure.

When it comes to houses, cars, appliances and the like, if all parts are in place, and tightened as they should be, and are not damaged, the finished product, will fulfill the purpose for which it was designed.

The point being, if everything functions as it was designed to function, then, those things will be very good.

In His creation of things, excluding man, for a minute, all things, the heavens, the sun, the moon and stars, the animals, plants, the waters and the rest were given certain parts to play, and here we are over 6000 years later, and to my knowledge, all of them are still functioning basically the same way they were at the beginning.

The only difference with some of them, is because of the changes brought about by the actions of the one part that I excluded earlier, and that is man.

Man, the crowning jewel of God's creation. Man, who is made in His image, and likeness. Man, who God gave control over all of His creation. All he had to do was be obedient to 'one simple command.' ONE!!!

If He had stuck to the script, the masterpiece God created would still be, as it was back then.

But no, man had to rewrite the script! He had to do his own thing!!

If you will notice, I said man. The reason being that even though it was the woman that actually broke the rule first, it was the man that God held responsible.

And here is why.

When He created mankind, it was man that was created first. Therefore, everything that God intended to happen on earth, was centered around the fact that he, man, was made in His image and likeness.

Every thing, except God of course, was to be under the control of man. In fact, before the woman was created, Adam named every animal. Ge 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: AND WHATSOEVER ADAM CALLED EVERY LIVING CREATURE, THAT WAS THE NAME THEREOF.

That was man's first major responsibility.

This showed what God had bestowed on him, and the role he was to play.

However, God did realize that unlike all the animals, which He had created, male and female, there was no helper for him, so, he created the woman.

She was created to be his wife, and helper. Wife, so that they could be fruitful and multiply like all the other animals, and helper, to take care of things while Adam tended to what God had for him to do.

Thus, we have the assigned roles/parts, that God set them up to do and fulfil.

Since God had told the man what he could and could not do, it was up to him, to pass that information to the woman.

The family setting is, and has always been that God will always speak to the man, and leave it up to him to pass that information on to the wife, and children.

This is where we get the idea that the man, is the head of the household, because of whom God holds responsible for what goes on within it.

We can see that even though it was the woman, who first broke the rule, the fact that Adam chose to listen to her, over what God said, was the reason we are in the mess we are in today.

If you will look at the curses that God put on them, Adam got the worst, followed by the woman, then the serpent.

At the core of our problems today, is the failure of the family of mankind, as God designed it.

You can look at all the other species of animals all over the world, and they are doing the very same thing, familywise, as God designed them to do over 6000 years ago.

The male goes out to protect their mate from other males and threats, as well as providing leadership, and essentially supplying food for them. The family remains the center of every species' survival. If something happens to the male of that family, the family will either be taken over by another male, possibly be merged in to another family, or cease to exist.

That is the importance of the male in all species. Including and especially, man.

Without him, you don't have a family, you have a situation where disaster is knocking at the door.

Since the family is the foundation of any society, then we can say, as goes the family, so goes society. Consequently, this mess we find ourselves in today, is the direct the result of dysfunctional families.

What is a dysfunctional family?

It is by definition a family that is not functioning as God designed it to be.

It is missing the leadership of the man, or the so-called partnership of the husband and wife both being equal leaders, or the situation where both grownups are the same gender.

God only honors and blesses the family as He designed it to function. Any other design hits a sour note in His sight, and as such will eventually fail. The only exception is the case where the man is no longer present because of death, illness, abandonment on his part, or because of his driving them away from him.

In this instance, the woman becomes the head of the house until such time as another man comes in to fill the role of leader.

Many women don't like this, but, that's too bad. God set it up like this, and He sticks by it. He doesn't change because we decide we want to switch roles and not play the part that we were designed to play.

It is a proven fact that families where there is no male as a father will, in over 90 percent of the cases, produce male children that will fail in the roles of fathers when they grow up, because they haven't had a father to guide them in how to be one.

They can produce children, but, dealing with the day to day caring for a wife and kids proves to be too much, so they abandon them.

In the case of girls, they won't know what kind of man is the right one to be with, because there is no male influence, or example of what type of man they should accept.

In a single parent household, the parent may try to train a child as they should be trained, but, if it is a woman, then she will essentially instill feminine values in her son, by making him to be more in tune to how women feel about things.

Mind you now, the woman was designed by God to be under the leadership of the man. However, if there is no man, then the male child is left to learn leadership from the woman. And as such, will begin to think like, and support her views on life.

The women's movement today, is supported primarily by women and men, who don't like the God designed role of women in the family.

To them, the Godly role of women, is looked on as being ruled by the man and as slaves to their children. Both are to be discarded, so that she can be free to pursue her own identity. And marching right along with them, is a poor excuse of a man.

A look at Prov. 31:10-end, shows what the truly Godly woman is designed to be, both as a wife, and a mother.

Show them a woman like this, and they will set about to change her, or destroy her.

One can only imagine what they would have done to the virgin Mary, if they had lived back then. They would have told her not to get married to some boring man, but to get out and see what's out there. Sleep around until you find Mr. Right.

Pregnant and not married?? You don't need kids tying you down. Get an abortion!! Enjoy your life. Discover you!!!

Sound familiar??

Essentially, it is about the same message that the serpent, but with a little different variation, got Eve to go along with.

Reject what God says. You are no slave!! You can be your own god.

This is why families, all over this nation, and especially in the black community are in crisis. And as I said earlier, 'As goes the family, so goes the neighborhood and the nation!!'

With all due respect to women. Despite what you might think, there are things that God has designed men to do, and, no matter how hard you try to prove you can do it too, it won't work!! You weren't designed for it, therefore, God is not going to support you in that area.

As Christ says, through the apostle Paul, 1Cor 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; AND THE HEAD OF THE WOMAN IS THE MAN; and the head of Christ is God.

He also says, 1Tim 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Tim 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

It is one thing for women to want to be equal to men in the family, which is out of order, but totally another, when that same attitude creeps in to the House of God, the Church.

That's right!! Women are taking roles in churches that are totally at odds with what Christ no less, says!!

More, next month!!