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(SIGNS OF THE TIMES) SCRIPTURE – Matt. 16:4                                                                                                                                                                 JANUARY, 2021

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it,
but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
The message for this month, has to do with what is in store for this nation following the results of this recent election cycle.

This election of a man, who for all intents and purposes, is as much aligned with every thing that is against what has made this nation, the greatest nation on the face of the earth, as you can get, goes to show the times in which we are living.

Now, in my saying this, let me clarify it. The only thing that has made America to be what it is, and it is not a thing, but a person, and that is our Faith in Jesus Christ!! It is through Him that God has seen fit to bless this nation abundantly, since its inception over 200 years ago.

There are those that might not like it but, before this nation was founded, men from another country, were inspired to leave it and find a land where they could be free from the oppression of their homeland. They sought to be able to work for themselves, think for themselves, and mostly to worship as they saw fit. All of these things, were not allowed where they came from.

They were essentially [servants, subjects, slaves] of the rulers of the land, and as such, were unable to own anything of value like land, a house, or anything of high value.

Any earnings they had were taxed to the point of rendering them to just barely being able to keep from being beggars.

When it came to worship, that was regulated by the rulers of the country which, for all intents and purposes, was just one more way to keep them under their control.

So God, provided some of them a vision where they saw a land where they could go and embark on a new direction for their lives to be able to enjoy more of what God had to offer in the way of prosperity and freedom.

But, there is far more to the story of the founding of this nation, than what I have time for, here. But, the bottom line is, God had a hand in the founding of this nation. And the men who set up its legal framework, made note of the fact that they recognized that it was God, to whom they owed praise, honor, glory and worship for giving them the ability to achieve their dream.

This is why, we find that every major document that is related to this nation's beginning, acknowledges God. Not only that, its laws reflect the laws found in the Holy Bible, which further gave evidence of His influence in this nation.

Fast forward to today, and what I alluded to at the beginning of this message is the fact that the people apparently have chosen to elect an individual who does not agree with what God says is right and wrong.

The reason I say apparently, is because of the widespread allegations of cheating and voter fraud having been carried out by this man's party, and associates to get him elected.

Many of you may not see the significance of this situation. But, rest assured, there could be consequences that, even though they may not be apparent now, will manifest themselves in the very near future, and people will begin to wonder, what happened!!

That is where the title of this message comes from.

In order for you to get the full picture of what is happening, we have to look at a few things that Jesus eluded to, when He was asked by the politicians, and religious leaders of His day, when they asked Him to show them a sign from Heaven that He was the Messiah!!

He began to explain to them that, all of the things He had been doing in front of them, like healing the sick, opening blind eyes, unstopping deaf ears, and even raising the dead, and many other things, should have been evidence enough as to who He is.

The reason for Him saying this is because these are the ones who supposedly studied and knew the scriptures which foretold of His coming, and of the things He would do.

But no, they wanted some special Great bit of evidence, so that they could know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was, who He said He was.

He reminded, or rather chastised them by saying how they can look at the sky and know when a storm is coming, or if it will be a fair day, but they can't tell who He is, and why He is here.

Now mind you, these leaders, for the most part, knew what the scriptures said about the signs of the times would be that would usher in the coming of someone who would be a messenger of God, sent to clear the way for man to be able to attain the relationship with God that he had before the fall.

And yet, as Jesus is demonstrating these things, they don't recognize them or Him, and set about to find ways to get rid of Him. They want Him to do something Big!!!

His response is the subject verse, in which He says, He is not going to do anything more than what He has been doing, to prove Himself to them. The reason being, they aren't really interested in following what He says. They are seeking a way to use what He says and does, to get rid of Him!

The reason they wanted to do this is because He was taking their followers away.

The people were seeing that this Man, was a Man, that was One of compassion, that not only spoke with authority, but demonstrated it.

This Man, was taking the control that these leaders had over the people away from them. That also meant, He was taking away their source of income, from the sacrifices and offerings the people made to them, for the forgiveness of their sins.

You see, back then, there were times when a lot of the people, were unable to produce the necessary sacrificial offerings for the remission of their sins.

After all, back then, anything that was to be sacrificed to God, had to be pure, and without any 'spot or blemish.' That meant the animal, in case of blood sacrifices, had to be raised for just such a purpose. It could not have been mated with another. It could not be sick, or injured, or a half-breed.

Anyone that knows about raising animals on a farm knows it is near impossible to have such an animal in their stock because animals will be animals!! You can't keep an eye on them 24/7. All the special care it would take to meet the standards of the sacrifice, was too much for the average person to deal with.

The answer was found in these religious leaders providing the animals for them, for a price of course. And, the more serious the 'sin', the higher the price.

The bible doesn't say this directly, but, I believe that there were spies among the people who were, what we call today, paid informants, that would report these people to the leaders, who would then bring the guilty person to stand before them, and be judged, based on what these informants said about them.

Now, you can imagine what people who were essentially living a meager life, with very little money would do, if they knew informing on others would mean a better life for themselves, and their families.

As we have today, they would not only report on someone, they would probably also, make up a lie about them as well, just to get some money, or other favor from those in control.

We see that all the time today!! It is called 'bearing false witness!!' And you know what God says about that, don't you??

Exo 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Now obviously, the more serious the charge, the more money they would get. So, human nature would say, accuse them of major 'sins' to get more reward.

The leaders would be happy because they could get more wealth for themselves, in that, if the person couldn't afford the price of the sacrifice, what little property they did have, would be confiscated, leaving them with little or nothing.

This is one of the reasons we see Jesus going in to the temple, and chasing the money-changers out, overturning tables, and accusing them of turning 'My Father's House, into a den of thieves!!' [Mk 11:17, Lk 19:46]

Anyway, as Jesus went about preaching, teaching, and doing miracles, most of the people, stopped informing on their neighbors, and it was hard to get their informants to do their jobs because Jesus was shining the Light, on what was going on, and these 'leaders' business was being held up in front of all to see.

So, they had to find a way to get rid of Him.

The gist of the message back then is, evil people will do anything to keep what power they have over the less fortunate, no matter what God has to say about it. And, if someone is standing in the way of, or is a threat to that goal, then they have to be eliminated!!

Which brings me back to today, and the election of a man, who is representative of a political party, and associates, who hold the exact same views as those 'leaders' did, back then!!

They all had/have a goal they are pursuing, and, in 2016, a man came along that became a 'major threat' to that goal!!!

That man, Donald J Trump, began saying and doing things that were a direct threat to them and their way of living.

Now, I know many of you can't see him as being a man, like Jesus Christ. But, the reality of the situation is, he is not like Christ, but, he is a vessel being used by Him, for such a time as we are in today.

If you will recall the all out attacks against this man when he announced he was running for president, as well as when he won the office, and during his term, by this newly elected man, his party and associates, you can see the very same similarities to the attacks on Jesus Christ.

Both of them were doing good for all the people, yet there were those among the leadership, that wanted to get rid of them because of that exact same reason. They were doing good for all the people!!! And those leaders couldn't have that.

So, what you have is these leaders engaged in all sorts of things, that to the eye of the casual observer, might not seem that bad. However to the born-again, Spirit filled Christian, it is showing the 'signs of the times' we are living in.

And, what are some of those signs??

Leaving the faith we have in God through Jesus Christ, in exchange for Political Correctness!! [1Tim. 4]

Trying to change the image of the incorruptible God, in to the image of corruptible man!! [Rom. 1:22-24]

They loved the things they liked to do, irrespective of what God has to say about them!! [2Tim. 3:1-7]

Calling evil, good and good, evil!! [Isa 5:20]

These are but a few of many scriptures that describe the state of being of mankind before God pours out His wrath on mankind. And yet, many Christian leaders, especially in the black community, can't see it, or, they are being rewarded for looking the other way, while the people are being destroyed.[Mat. 24:22-24]

Donald Trump, was revealing the truth about all of them, politicians, preachers and others. And as a result, he, like Christ, had to be crucified!!!

Shortly after he got elected, a friend of mine asked me if I thought he, Trump, would get assassinated. Knowing how people are, I thought that might be the case, physically. But, there are other ways to do it today that are bloodless.

It is called character assassination!!

Since we live in a society that elects our leaders based on how well they are liked, and the job that they have done, all you have to do is portray them as incompetent, and evil, and you stand a good chance of getting rid of them.

Of course the flip-side of that is, taking someone that has evil intentions, and portraying them as being what the people want and need, and you have the makings of your next president!!

The Bible says, 1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

People are celebrating the fact that we are about to get a new president, thinking he is the answer to their prayers. Those that support this foolishness are about to learn from this lesson, the hard way!!