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(THE TRUTH IS, WHAT IT IS [5) SCRIPTURE – John 16:12-13                                                                                                                                                          JULY, 2018
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Last month, when I left off, I was addressing a speech, made by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in which he made the statement that if, and when he gets to Heaven, he doesn't care what side of Christ he is on, just as long as he is there.

This was in response to the passage of scripture where the mother of two of Jesus' disciples, James and John, asked Him to place one them on His right side, and the other, on the left, when His kingdom is established[Matt. 20:20-23]. Jesus rebukes her for it, because He says she doesn't know what she is asking Him.

Now, I want you to look at this passage of scripture.

Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

Mat 25:33 And he shall set the sheep ON HIS RIGHT HAND, but the goats ON THE LEFT.

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them ON THE LEFT HAND, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

What do you see about what happens to those that are on His left side??? They will be dispatched to hell[eternal torment].

So, in effect, Dr. King is implying that it is ok to be on either side, which is what he desires to be.

If we look at the political climate in this nation today, we see that there are those on the right, and those on the left.

Traditionally, today, as back when Jesus spoke on this, THE RIGHT, are those that are the righteous, or those that are striving to become righteous. They have God's favor.

THE LEFT, on the other hand, today, as back then, are those that are the perpetrators of evil like, abortion, gay rights, separation of God/Christ/Church and state, affirmative action, and others. They are in total rebellion against Him. They have His Wrath on themselves.

But, those on THE LEFT, can't see it, or feel there is no difference, and that includes politicians, because, according to Dr. King, it's makes no difference as to what side you are on.

If this statement was made by some little known preacher, it would hardly carry any weight. But, because it was Martin Luther King Jr., then in their eyes, it is the gospel.

I can remember some decades back, I heard the Rev. Jesse Jackson make this statement, If the lion and the lamb can lay down together, then surely man, who is made in the image of God can live at peace with his neighbor.

He was referring to the passage of scripture: Isa 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Sounds like a good thing doesn't it? Everyone is saying we need to love each other, [find common ground] then, there would be no more war, crime, or other things that would cause us to hurt each other.

The problem is, this passage of scripture is talking about a time when God/Christ, has once again taken control of the earth, after setting up His kingdom.

Consequently, there is no way man can achieve what Jesse is talking about without God. Yet, Jesse makes it appear that man can do it, on his own, without God.

This is why we are in the mess we are in today. We have too many preachers, that are leaders in the black community, who may have good intentions, and a good education, and are popular among us, but, what they are saying shows their ignorance of biblical scripture.

This is why I say, our problems in the black community, and this nation for that matter, all stem from preachers that have no anointing from God, or they are compromising the Word of God, so that they can be popular in our community.

Now, imagine all of the presidents, congressmen/women, senators, judges, mayors, and such, that go to church faithfully, every Sunday, then go back to their jobs, and pass laws, or rule in favor of those that are the absolute wicked among us, all because some preacher has made them feel that it is all okay, and it will all work out in the end.

When the end gets here, it will all work out because those that are on THE LEFT, will be dispatched to hell, while those that are THE RIGHTEOUS, will rule and reign with Him for eternity.

So, what side do you want to be associated with???

If you take your position, and confession of being saved seriously, then, you have absolutely no business being associated with, or supporting the Democratic party, period!!! They are your enemy!!!

There is no such thing as 'common ground' with them. It is either their way, or the highway!!

If a Christian runs as a Democrat, promising to stand on those things that are right in God's sight, gets elected, and does so, they, the party, will not support any legislation that is put forth by that person, effectively setting that person up for defeat in the next election, or impeachment before then.

This is how dogmatic their stance in their warfare against Christ is.

Not only that, but as I mentioned earlier, they also are actively at war with the black community.

If we look at the history between this party, and the black community, it is all bad.

Historically, this party was the main supporter of keeping slavery legal. They waged a war that tore this nation apart, to keep, what they felt was their right to own slaves, the vast majority of them black.

When civil rights laws were passed, and punishment meted out to those that continued in their racist actions, people thought the Democrats changed, and accepted the new laws.

What actually happened is that they went from being 'overt [open in their actions]' to 'covert [under cover]', in their war on blacks, meaning they started doing things that accomplished what they used to do in the open, to hiding it.

In the case of education, a person with little or no education, is invariably a slave to those that are far more advanced than they are in things like economics, history, social and other skills.

The Democratic party accepted blacks getting educated in their institutions, they just made sure that those institutions in highly black populated areas of the nation, provided the minimal amount of education to them, so that they would not be able to advance as productive members of society.

It is almost the norm that the majority of blacks in these schools graduate from the 12th grade, if they make it that far, but yet, read write and do math at an 8th or less grade level.

The chances of them getting employment which would pay them enough to support themselves, let alone a wife and kids, is slim to none.

The bible says, [Hos. 4:6] 'the people are destroyed, for a lack of knowledge..........'

When you don't know you are being used, or made a fool of, then you are as a lamb that is being led to the slaughter.

Democrats have the vast majority of us black folk so illiterate, that, they can tell us a flat out lie to our faces, and we will believe them without question.

One of their favorite lies is the one on raising taxes on the rich, and big corporations, while giving the middle class and the poor a tax break/cut.

They know that the vast majority of the middle class and poor are not as educated in the area of economics, and things like that, to be able to see this lie for what it is.

Interestingly enough, your neighborhood drug dealer, knows that it is a lie, because he runs his own business, and has to deal with the same issues, the rich and big business does.

Ask either of them, what happens to the price of the product or service they provide, when the cost of their overhead [rent, taxes, utilities, insurance, costs to meet regulations, wages they pay employees, and others] goes up.

What they will tell you is, they have to raise the prices of those goods and services accordingly. This means those costs are passed on to the consumer in the way of higher a cost-of-living.

When prices go up, demand for most of those products goes down, unless it is something that is absolutely essential like gas, food, and in the case of your neighborhood drug dealer's customers, drugs.

The end result in the case of most businesses is they will have to start laying off people. And, in the case of most of them, it will be the ones with the least seniority. And, who are the usual ones that are in this category??? Blacks!!

In the neighborhoods, the person addicted to drugs has to come up with more money to get their usual fix. You know what that means!!! More desperation, translating to more dangerous/violent crime, in our neighborhoods to supply that need.

How many of you remember the late 70's when the Democrats had total control in Washington?? Jimmy Carter, and the Democratic party went hog wild with their 'Super Majority' status. The GOP could do nothing to stop them.

They raised taxes on the rich and big corporations, and then made the entire automobile industry begin to make vehicles that met emission standards that forced the prices of new vehicles up over 75 percent from the previous year. It was called, 'sticker shock!!' This action caused one manufacturer, American Motors, to close, and two others to seek bankruptcy protection.

Millions of people lost their jobs in this industry, as well as other industries. All for the purpose of keeping blacks who were the main group to suffer the most under those job losses. That is how Carter lost his bid for a second term, in 1979, in favor of Ronald Reagan.

Racist whites in the south, saw poor blacks leave and come up north to work in auto plants, and return driving fancy cars and buying houses and land that most of these whites couldn't afford, and they didn't like it.

So they elected Jimmy Carter, and one of the first things he did, was destroy the auto industry.

I have a saying that, 'If something is good for the black community, it is not good for Democrats.'

Democrats can only thrive when people have to depend on government for their survival. The more, the better.

Getting back to the spiritual side of things, the same thing applies.

The Antichrist sees all the Good things that those that are saved are receiving in this life, and will receive in the life to come for eternity, then looks at what is in store for him and his boss [Satan], and he sets about to stop it.


By putting his disciples, preachers, in places of prominence in our community, and telling them what to say, and how to say it, and to whom.

2Cor 11:13-15 tells us just how he goes about doing this, which I will get in to in the continuation of this message next month.

Rest assured many souls will profit from this message.