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THE 3 UNDENIABLE TRUTHS OF LIFE!! [1) (THE 3 UNDENIABLE TRUTHS OF LIFE!! [1) SCRIPTURE – John 8:31-32                                                                                                                                                                 JUNE, 2021

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

The message for this month, is one that, if we look at all the problems we are facing today, they all have one thing in common. And that one thing is, they are the direct result of denying the 3 major Truths of the Word of God.

Now, many will ask, why am I only mentioning 3, when there are multitudes of Truths to be revealed??

My answer to that question is, every Truth listed in the Bible, can literally be reduced in to 1 of the 3 categories that we will look at in this message.

The First and primary Truth is, God is in control of everything!!!

What this means is, no matter where, or what it is, or who you are, nothing good or bad can happen if God doesn't allow it to occur.

Notice I used the word allow!!

What this means is God does not have to actively send something your way, as much as He will stop it from happening!!

God is so much in control that you can't even die, if God shuts the door on it. Quite obviously, you can't be Blessed unless God opens the door for it.

Rev. 3:7 What He[God] opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. [Douay-Rheims]

The Bible lets us know that those who put their total trust in Jesus Christ, are, for all intents and purposes, in a secure place in Him.

It is like we are in a fortress, with impenetrable walls, where nothing can get in to harm us.

Also, by the same token, even though we are in there, we are subject to His rules. And, as such, what type of Blessings we receive, depends on how we respond to those rules.

Just as a good parent will reward an obedient child, so too does God reward those of us that are faithful and obedient children.

More about this later.

The second undeniable Truth is, no one can walk up rightly before Him, and be Blessed, when they are making decisions based on faulty, or partial information.

I am listing this as second, only by chance. It could be number 3, and number 3 could be here. However, number 1 remains in that position for obvious reasons.

Now, if we look at this Truth, you will see the obvious problem.

I don't care what type of situation you find yourself in, what type of problem you are trying to solve. IF you don't have all the relevant facts available to you, and are able to understand their significance to that problem, then, any solution/decision/verdict you finally come up with, will not solve the problem. And, in a lot of cases, will only serve to make matters worse, in the long run!!!

Prv. 14:12, 16:25, both say the same thing, There is a way that seems right to men, but, that way will end in death/destruction, misery.

If it has not happened to you personally, how many people do you know of that have either been hurt or worse, or have gone out and injured or killed someone else, based on partial information?? How many court cases have you seen being overturned because a guilty verdict was rendered on an individual, who was later found to be innocent, when more facts were discovered??

Even when it comes down to what you may, or may not believe about God, if you don't have all the facts, you will go around believing something about Him that is not true, and possibly end up suffering for it.

More about this later.

The third undeniable Truth is this. If you are believing, or living a lie, as it pertains to what God says is right and wrong, then, nothing you try to do, will ever come out in a way that benefits you. This then means, you will be destroyed.

What I am saying here is, IF you are walking contrary to the Word of God, you are bound for damnation. No ifs, ands or buts about it!!

You can't be walking in direct opposition to God, and still be within the Fortress of His protection!!!

You are quite literally, out there on your own!!

Of course, there is a remedy for your situation, and that is, following His directions for repentance. And, the minute you do that, your past record of discretion's, is wiped clean.

He has made it so simple that even a child could do it.

Now, let's look at where we are today as a black community, and how we got here, using these 3 Truths!!

It all started when pastors of popular churches in our community, began to subvert, or otherwise water-down the message of the gospel either out of ignorance, bribery, or a desire for greater influence and power.

They essentially prostituted the message of the Word of God, to achieve that end.

This meant that the idea that God is in control of everything, got watered down to He is in control, but, there are things that He leaves up to us to take care of.

The message then is, in certain areas, God, is not going to be involved.

This then means, if we have to operate outside of these 3 Truths, then, that is what we will have to do.

Time and again, in order to solve our problems, we listen to preachers who essentially tell us that we are justified in our actions, no matter how contrary to His Word, we may get.

And, the mere fact that it is a preacher telling us these things, most of you take it to mean that God approves of it, or doesn't care about it. Both of which are lies!!!

As a result, as long as you remain in this condition, nothing you do will remedy your situation. In fact, the longer you remain in it, especially after you have been warned, the only change you will see is things will get worse!!

Jas. 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (KJV)

Luke 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with MANY STRIPES.

Luke 12:48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with FEW STRIPES. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required:

The message these scriptures relay is the fact/Truth that, the person that knows what is right and wrong, in the eyes of God, and chooses to ignore what He says, if guilty of sin, AND will suffer far worse than a person that is guilty of the exact same things, but doesn't know that God disapproves of them.

Both will suffer, but the one who knew better will suffer more.

Now the thing is, if you don't know what is right and wrong, and are engaged in it, and someone comes along and tells you that it is wrong, then, you no longer can be classified as not knowing!!

And, as a result, the amount of suffering you will endure, will increase.

This, in a nutshell, is exactly what is happening to the black community today.

We are suffering the way we are, because we are walking contrary to God's Direction, and, refusing to hear any preacher that tells us we are doing wrong!! We would rather listen to those preachers that are telling us what we want to hear!!

How many times have you heard that the choices you are making in the political arena are the equivalent of being at war with God?? Yet, you ignore that message, based on what you have been told by these popular shady preachers???

Another problem is, if you consider the half Truth that all sins are the same, then that means no one individual, group or political party is any worse than the other.

This is one that I run in to quite a bit.

True, sin is sin. But, just as crime is crime, there are differences in how the law, and God reacts to them, depending on their severity!!

Sins, like crimes fall in to differing groups. You have misdemeanors, all the way up to felonies in the world. And by the same token, the same can be said about the degrees of sin.

Mind you, if you read the old testament Books of the Law, you will see that God set up the punishments for different sins, from separation from the camp, up to being put to death!

If, as most people would think, all sins are the same, then, all punishments should also be the same.

As the undeniable Truths go, people are believing half truths, and outright lies about God, and as a result, are paying a terrible price, due in large part, to corrupt, or ignorant preachers, who themselves may not realize what they are doing.

Do you remember when you were a little child, how your parents, hopefully scolded, and even spanked you every time they saw you doing something that they considered dangerous, or being bad?? Those were good, caring parents.

The message they instilled in you was being bad, or messing around in dangerous situations, would cause you some sort of pain, or worse.

If we look at how most kids are raised today, scolding, or spanking a child, is frowned upon because it messes with their self-esteem. The parent is a bully, and needs to be punished.

This is in opposition to what God says. And, as a result, all you have to look at what is happening to our community today, as a result of not following God's rules on raising kids.

First, we ignore Him, and listen to men/women with all sorts of degrees, and titles, before and after their names.

What this means is we have violated the First Commandment by putting other people ahead of Him. And He's not going to let that stand.

The result is, our kids are being killed in the streets by crimes and accidents, drugs, suicide and the like, because as I said earlier, God is allowing it to happen because of our disobedience.

But, as bad as that is, it gets worse.

Those kids that happen to make it to adulthood, and themselves become parents, if they haven't changed their ways, will raise a new generation of kids, who, by nature, will be worse than their parents were, as kids.

And as the cycle continues, each successive generation gets worse.

Now seeing that this mindset took hold in the late '70s, and here we are nearly 50 years later, can you see what the result of one little change in how we did things, has mushroomed in to a disaster??

We have kids today, that have absolutely no respect for authority. They want to challenge everything that is Godly and right.

They are raised to believe that the world owes them something, and if they don't get it, they will take it. That puts them on the wrong side of the law. When the police show up, they challenge the police, and in too many instances, get their brains blown out. Then the parents want to blame the police for killing their poor innocent little child.

And who comes to take the side of, and comfort these parents?? The same preachers, whose advice years ago, started them down this path, in the first place.

And mind you now, God is in control, and, nothing bad can happen unless He allows it. So, the blame lies with those that took/take Him for granted, ignore His Word, or at least the parts of it that they don't like, and now their child has paid the price.

We are warned in Gal. 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

There it is, in black and white, and proven to be true, time and again. Yet, these idiot preachers, overlook all of that, to gain favor with their victims.

More undeniable truths, next month!!