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IN THE BEGINNING, GOD SCRIPTURE – GEN. 1:1, JOHN 1:1                                                                                                                                                           MAY, 2023

In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.




The message for this month, is one that sets the blueprint of just what our existence, in relationship to God, is about.

When the question arises as to how we got here, and where we came from, and how we are to travel this journey called life, everything boils down to one thing, and that is what this message is about.

It makes no difference who you are, or what the situation is, there is a starting point to all things, and that starting point is God.

If you will look at the 2 subject scriptures, they put everything in perspective by saying that the beginning of all things, began, and begins with God.

Before the earth and Heaven were created, there was God. Before there were plants, living creatures, the sun, moon and stars, there was God.

Not only was He the Architect of everything that exists, He is also the Architect of everything that arises, that would lend itself to be either something that brings us problems, or success and prosperity.

Essentially, all things have to go through Him. Because, He designed them to function according to His Will.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Col. 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Both of these scriptures make it perfectly clear that there is absolutely nothing, past, present or future, that doesn't have its beginning from God.

Now, having said that, you can further deduce that when it comes to how we deal with the problems that are bound to arise in our lives, the best solution has to be one that is designed by God.

Throughout the history of mankind, we can see just how important God's influence on things really is.

If you will read the story of the creation of things in Genesis 1[entire], you will see that after God finished His creation, it says in verse 31, that all things were very good.

What this means is, all things were in harmony with each other. There was no conflict, no sickness, disease, infirmity or anything else that today, is the hallmark of a world gone mad.

This is what God set it up to be.

So, just how did things that were very good, deteriorate in to the chaos that engulfs us today???

Once again, God put certain rules, and stipulations in place for His crowning achievement, man, to follow. As long as he followed the rule [that's right, there was only 1 rule][Gen. 2:16-17], things would remain very good.

The Bible tells us that we were made in the image of God. This means that unlike all of His other creations, He took special care in creating us. He spoke everything in to existence, but He took His own two hands, and molded us out of the dust of the earth. Then, He breathed His breath into us, and we became a living soul[Gen.2:7].

Not only that, but, just like Himself, He gave us dominion[power, authority][Gen. 1:27-28], over all of His creation.

In short, God bestowed on man, the position of being a god over His creation.

If man would have only followed that rule, then, everything would be in the same condition it was in at the beginning. Very good!!!

However, in order to have All of God's characteristics, He bestowed on us, the ability to make choices. The choice was to either follow the rule, or go against it[sin]!!

Now, the consequence of disobedience, was already built-in, when God created man. For God warned Adam what would happen to him if he disobeyed Him.

God Held/Holds dominion over all His creation, including man. Man, on the other hand, holds secondary dominion over all things under him.

This means, as long as man, or in this case Adam, is obedient to God, he, Adam, could control everything around him. This is much like a General, owner, boss, delegating authority to someone under them, to control others in their particular field.

The problem came in, when Adam, disobeyed God, and essentially gave the serpent[Devil], the dominion that he was given, by God.

For this, God unleashed the curses, not only on Adam, but, all the earth and everything above, on and beneath it.

As a primary result, man, who was created to live forever, began the process of dying.

The other consequence was that everything that was at one time, very good, became corrupted. Conflicts, wickedness, sickness and evil, became the dominant forces in the creation.

This is how we got to the place we find ourselves in today.

Now, one might think that God could just step in and fix things and make them as they were before.

Well, that is not the way He works.

Oh, He could do it, if He had a mind to. But, if He did, He would have to backtrack on what He said from the beginning, meaning, changing His mind, and going back on His Word.

In other words, He would be no better than us!! Because that is what we tend to do all the time, when it suits us.

But, in the beginning, God, set rules, that not only governed His creation, but, Himself as well. In other words, if He demands us to follow His directions, then, He has to follow them as well.

Have you every heard the term, 'a person's word, is their rep!!!'??? This carries with it the idea that if the person gives their word on something, you can rest assured they will do/follow it.

Isaiah 46:11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Psalm 119:106 I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments.

Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

These are a few of many scriptures that lets us know that we can rest assured that God will do, and abide by what He says, good or bad.

Show me any human being that you can say that about!! Even if mama and daddy promise you something, they may have all the intent in the world to do it. However, what happens if they get sick, or die, before they do it?? What if they lose their job, or go broke??

Well, with God, that will never happen. God is not going to get sick, He is not going to die, He neither slumbers or sleeps, He is never too busy, or anything else that would cause Him to fail at carrying out His Word.

As the title of this message says, In the beginning, God, that means He set the blueprint of how everything should be.

That blueprint hasn't changed one single bit.

However, now, as messed up as the world is today, God has made the Way, for us as individuals, to get back in to that frame of mind that was at the beginning.

That is because In the beginning, God, before He created us, put in place a plan to redeem us, just in case we did something that would separate us from Him [sin].

That plan was Salvation through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ!!

However, for the purpose of the last few minutes that I have for this message, let's look at a few of the things that we are doing today, that have brought us, in this nation, to the conditions we find ourselves in today.

Remember, God set the design for us to follow. Anyone that goes outside of that position, is guilty of sin.

In the beginning, God, created man first, then He made the woman, to be his helper[assistant]. [Gen. 2:18]

When it comes to the family, the man is the head of the family, and as such, the head of the wife. [Eph 5:23]

When it comes to the Church, the man is the one that God has placed over it.

Therefore, when you see women claiming that they are just as capable of heading a household, or leading a church, you are looking at someone that refuses to accept God's design for her position in life. It has nothing to do with capabilities.

In the beginning, God, designed the family as two people, one a man, and the other a woman. Children were optional. [Gen. 1:27, 2:18]

Today, some of us have decided that a family[marriage] can be between 2 men, or 2 women. If this were what God designed, then why would He call it an abomination??? Not only that, but, how can they produce children?? Remember, He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply!!

In the beginning, God, designed the Church with Christ as the Head[Eph 5:23-24], and the man as Bishop, and pastor.

According to His directions, the position of the woman, is to teach the younger women how to be obedient to their husbands [Titus 2:3-5].

In the beginning, God, called sexual relations, outside of marriage [fornication, adultery].

Today, men and women are increasingly just staying single, so that they won't have to be tied to any one person. That way, they can just take up living together for convenience. When things get rough, they can split up, and move on to another relationship.

In the beginning, God, gives us clear direction as to how we ought to raise our children.

He tells us among other things, what to do when they are disobedient. His reasoning is that they may need to be spanked, for their own good. [Prov. 22:15, 23:14]

You can't tell that to most people today, including Christians, because in their eyes, that is child abuse.

God has a design for every human activity that you can imagine. But, most of us don't care to find out what it is. We essentially want to live our lives according to our own feelings, and not what God says.

Then we wonder why things have gotten as bad as they have.

The Bible tells us that God will never leave, or forsake us. And that is true. However, what people don't seem to realize is that we can leave and forsake Him. And that is where the problem comes in.

If, for example, God says, as long as you stay with Me in My Fortress, I will protect you, and your family, and you do so, then, He has obligated Himself to do it. On the other hand, if you decide to go outside of the Fortress, then, His obligation to you ends. He didn't leave you, you left Him!!!

Now, if God directs you to go outside the Fortress, then He is obligated to protect you. But, for most of the situations we find ourselves in today, God, has nothing to do with it, because we have chosen to venture away from His Protection, and as a result, the chaos we see today!!

It should be understood that I am specifically talking about spiritual matters, moreso than physical locations.

It would be nice if we could stay in a church 24/7, and not have anything to do with the world. However, that is not what we are here for.

God has given us the commission to go out in to the world, to spread the Gospel, which means, as long as we are doing His Work, He will be with us.

But, the minute we start joining in with them, and taking on their characteristics, that is when we leave Him behind!!

My question to you is, how are you living your life?? Is it according to His design or yours??