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SCRIPTURE – Matthew 15:14, 2 Timothy 3:5                                                                                                                                                   MAY, 2024

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.




The message for this month, is one of those issues that will undoubtedly have a lot of people ready to cancel their subscriptions, and donations to this ministry.

The reason being, that I, being black, am airing the black community's 'dirty laundry' in public for all to see. This is the type of thing that should be discussed in private, they say!!

Cutting to the chase, what they really means, is for me to 'SHUT UP!!!'

Well, several things I want to make perfectly clear. First, I don't work for you, I am following the directions of the One, who I have sworn allegiance to, and who holds my eternal destiny in His Hands!

Secondly, as far as my airing the black community's 'dirty laundry' in public goes, that is a joke when, unless a person is was born yesterday, or someone who is totally incapable of discerning what is going on in our community, it is out there for all to see, with all the bells and whistles, drawing everyone's attention!!

Thirdly, because we aren't willing to take responsibility for the condition we find ourselves in, we are not only drawing the anger of other races in this nation, but, God Himself!! And He is the last One you want to rile up!!!

So, if you have a problem with what I am going to say, then, keep it to yourself, quit following this ministry, do some self-examination, or complain to Jesus Christ.

Now first of all, as far as this message goes, it is given, in 'love!' Even though it may not seem like it, it is given so that people can realize their plight, and have the chance to make the decision to change direction, before it is eternally too late, and they end up missing Heaven, and ending up in Hell.

If any of you will examine the Ministry Life of Christ, while He was here, you will find that, in some instances, this Gentle, Meek and otherwise Loving Man, displayed actions that would classify Him as being anything but!!

Using my own description, He cursed out the religious leaders of His time. He completely wrecked the temple by overturning tables and chasing the money-changers out. And, according to the first of our subject scriptures, He tells His disciples, to not waste time trying to convert the 'religious leaders' that persecuted them, because they would have to learn the hard way.

Yet, all of this was done, in Love!! You will recall, one of the last things He said before He died was 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!!'

Now, as far as this message goes, when I am talking about the need for 'new leadership', I am essentially talking about those in our community, who, by reason of their positions, set the direction for us to follow. They are the ones that, when things go wrong, they will run to these people for solutions to their problems.

Interestingly enough, these people happen to be 'religious leaders!!'

And, just like the religious leaders of the past, these leaders, set the tone for how the government in this nation is run. Even though it may not seem like it, you will notice, here in our community, when it comes to seeking direction and support, the first thing politicians do, is come to our churches, for support.

Why do they do this?? Because, if they can get the support of the man of God, then that tells them that they not only have his congregation's support, but, more importantly, in their mind, they have been given God's Blessing. And as such, they are emboldened to go forth and implement their agenda, despite what the 'radicals' of the opposing party might say!!

As it was in the Old Testament times, there was a direct correlation between the leaders of nations, both Godly, and ungodly, and those that were supposedly the spokespersons for their God/gods.

They set the 'rules' for the laws, and the punishments/sacrifices and such, as supposedly directed by their God/gods. Kings, before they went in to battle with other armies, sought the Blessing/blessing of the priests, as a sign of support of their gods. So, this is nothing new, that happens today.

The problem we face today is this. Just like back then, the vast majority of these 'religious leaders', were either getting their messages from some other god/idol, or, they were saying things that served to benefit them.

The result was, the people/armies went out to battle, and, depending on who it was they were fighting, were essentially out there fighting on their own, without any support at all. And, if they happened to be fighting against an army or foe, that was directed by God, then it would be an utter disaster for them.

So right away, we can see that there are people in the position of leadership, who, may seem to have a connection to God, when in reality, they do not!!

Well, how is one to be able to tell who is, or is not, hearing from God?? After all, if I am going to listen to anyone telling me how I

should live my life, then, that person will have to be Jesus Christ, or one of His anointed messengers.

And, the only way to identify them, judge what they say, and do. And the only sure fire way of doing that is, I have to know God/Christ, well enough so that I can tell whether what I am being directed to do/not do, is coming from Him, or the Devil.

And herein, is where we run in to problems!! If you don't know what is/is not direction from God/Christ, than you are at the mercy of the enemy, to lead you to fight against God/Christ, and therefore, to your own destruction.

Now right away, someone being directed by one of these 'servants of the Devil' will say, 'the Bible/Jesus says we should not be judging others!!' [Mat. 7:1-2]

However, this same Bible/Jesus, also says, in this same chapter, verses 16-20, that by their fruits [the things they do/say] will you know if they are mine or not.

I suggest to you, that these leaders that the majority of you, as well as the politicians of the political party you support, are not Christ's anointed messengers, but rather servants of our enemy, the Devil.

The problem with this chapter's message is that these leaders will wrongly interpreted/divided its message, in an attempt to cover themselves, and their erroneous messages.

The Bible/Jesus says, 2 Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth.

I mentioned above how they wrongly divided/interpreted, scripture, to come up with a message that was inaccurate. And with that being the case, they are leading our community, and this nation, to destruction.

Now, I would hope that they are only doing this because they are ignorant/blind to the Truth of God's message, rather than want to accuse them of doing what they are doing, for the sole purpose of enriching themselves, and are selling us out, to do it.

However, that is a hard position to take, given all the facts in evidence that support the idea that that is exactly what they are doing.

If you will notice the second passage of scripture in our subject scriptures, it says that 'they have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, from such, turn away.

What this scripture is saying, is that these people, carry themselves, in most instances, as truly God-fearing people. They always look like they are men, and women of God. Many of them have all sorts of degrees and titles from the most prestigious universities, colleges, and religious institutions in the nation.

They can quote scriptures, and give you the book, title and verse, without having to look it up. They can pray prayers that, as many people will say, can call down God's Power, from Heaven.

They are upstanding citizens in our community. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick in the hospitals, comforting the bereaved at the loss of a loved one. Providing shelter for the homeless.

All of these things are to be applauded, for that is the message of Christ to the Church.

However, when it comes to addressing sin, and its consequences, then, they are 180 degrees out of phase with Christ. What He says to reject, they support. What He says they should be doing, they call it immoral, being divisive, and mean-spirited.

Now, here is the point of the second scripture above.

They have the form of Godliness, but, because they don't consider the power of God as being behind the suffering that we in the black community are facing, they are denying that we are being 'cursed' by Him, because of our disobedience. The disobedience that they have directed us to engage in.

If you will consider the fact that most of the hungry, the naked, the sick, the bereaved, the homeless and others, are in those positions because they followed the directions of these blind leaders.

Let me give you a prime example.

It is a known fact that our community, throws over 90 percent of its support, to a political party that supports the killing of over 77M babies, to date.

In the eyes of God, this is a slap in His face, because, it is He, that enables the woman to get pregnant, and, as the Bible tells us, knows this child, before it was in the womb.

So, remember when I said that if people go out and fight against God, what will happen?? Well that is what we have here.

Because we have no problem killing babies in the womb, by supporting it, God's response, is to allow those children that you have with you today, to be killed by violence, die due to drug overdoses and accidents, or by diseases once attributed to the elderly, and more.

When I say that all of this is a Curse from God, these Godly appearing men and women, will say that I am delusional. That I have a screw loose, or that I sound like, get this, a Republican!!!

The very idea that this is a Curse, never enters their minds, because, for the most part, they reject the idea that God would do something like

that. This despite what the Bible says about 'reaping what you sow' and what happens when you shed 'innocent blood!'

What can be more innocent than a baby in the womb of its mother??

So, all this suffering that our community is going through, is the direct result of its leadership [religious leaders]!!

And, what does the last part of that second subject verse tell us to do?? It tells us to TURN AWAY!!

But, we don't want to do that!! Why?? Because we will be criticized!!! Listen, being criticized by my community, is far less hazardous to me, than having to spend eternity in Hell!!

It is interesting that, as I mentioned a little earlier, that because I take the stance that I am taking, I have been accused of being a Republican, or being brainwashed by the Religious Right!!

Here again is where these leaders try to cover their tails.

They will come out and say that no one is perfect. And that is true. So, what do you do when you have 2 imperfect people to choose as leaders in the community, or the nation??

Wisdom says, you choose the 1 that is the lesser of the 2 evils!!

If you have 2 or more candidates supporting killing babies, and 1 that, though not perfect, intends to severely curtail, or eliminate this abomination all together, then that is the one to support.

Mind you now, killing babies in the womb, is the #1 thing that God hates. Anyone that takes God's side on this issue, has His Blessing. If anyone goes after them, they will have God to deal with.

Unfortunately, the black community, and a lot of women, are on the wrong side of the issue and are paying for it with their lives, and the lives of their children, as well as their souls!!

It is past time for our community to change direction by dumping this leadership, for those that have the backing of God!!

More, next month!!