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(THIS IS WAR!!! [6]) SCRIPTURE – 2Cor 10:4                                                                                                                                                                        NOVEMBER, 2019

(For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Last month, when I left off, I made a statement that even though I try to refrain from doing something like this, things have become so volatile and dangerous for this nation and especially for the black community, that I have no choice but to name some names.

I don't do this for pleasure, but, being directed by God, I take pleasure in being obedient to Him. Besides, for those that are blind to who is responsible for the mess we find ourselves in, this is the Light, that God is sending to you, so that you can identify your enemy.

Now, some may ask, why am I always pointing out what is wrong in the black community when, according to reports, things are just as bad if not worse in White America??

The answer for that is quite simple. Since I am black, then, who better to address our condition than one who is walking in our shoes?? If a white person pointed out problems in the black community, you know the first thing that would be said is that they were a 'racist' or something along those lines.

Now, for the rest of this message and next month's, I will capsulize what is wrong, how we got here and most of all, who is responsible.

For at least the past 50 years or so, the condition of the black community in this nation has steadily been declining, while others' has been steadily improving. And why is that?? Two words, Black preachers!! Not all, but most

After the riots and civil rights marches and protests of the 60's, and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., there arose black preachers who had marched beside him, and in some cases, were beaten and jailed with him, to take over where he left off.

Now what you have to remember is that MLK, was a black preacher with a phenomenal influence on the black community. He garnered the respect of almost every black person in this nation, as well as others of all races in other nations. That is why he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

He was, after all, a man of peace, who promoted non-violence in protesting.

However, after MLK's death, those that marched with him, evidently looked at what happened to him, and decided that they would abide by a policy of not being too confrontational with those that had their feet on our necks. In fact, they saw an opportunity to assume leadership rolls in the black community, and, become wealthy in the process. All they had to do, was make it appear that they were fighting for the civil rights of the black community, while at the same time being rewarded by the ones that were our enemies.

The reason for this is two-fold.

The first is, they were, and are fearful of what would happen to them if they took up where Dr. King left off in confronting those that opposed basic civil rights for the black community.

By Dr. King being assassinated, that literally put the fear of God into any one that dared challenge the notion that segregation needed to be abolished. Or that blacks were equal to whites.

MLK believed so much in what he was doing, that he was willing to sacrifice his life for that cause. He knew that, biblically speaking, he was following the design that Jesus Christ laid out for us to follow.

We all know what happened to Jesus Christ for the good that He did when He was here. The religious leaders and politicians of His day, had Him crucified.

With Dr. King, the same holds true. It was racist preachers and politicians, and quite possibly, and this is speculation on my part, some that marched with him, that set up the conditions that led to his assassination.

We must remember that he had so much influence in the black community that, when he called for blacks to sacrifice the convenience of riding in the back of buses, so whites could ride in front, because we were considered second-class citizens, they did it, by ride sharing with each other, or walking to where they had to go.

This action, caused white bus drivers and their families to lose jobs and income because over 60 percent of the riders on the busses were blacks, that provided the majority of the funding for the public transportation.

Eventually, the law was changed, and blacks no longer had to sit in the back of the bus.

That was the power Dr. King had, and, I'm only speculating, some in his group, may have desired to have that type of influence, and became a 'Judas', and sold him out to 'the powers that were' at that time.

And, when he was out of way, they moved in, to take over.

The second is, money,

By pretending to be challenging racism, these preachers are garnering financial support from the black community and racist politicians, that has elevated them to levels of wealth and power, that few blacks will ever see.

These preachers are likened to the overseers on the 'massa's' plantation, who were enlisted by them to keep the other slaves in line, and to tell them when they were engaging in activities that threatened the master's person, family and property.

Of course, for their services, they were given better food and living quarters and had more freedom than the other slaves.

This is what preachers like the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Michael Eric Dyson, and any other preachers that are aligned with the Democratic party are essentially guilty of.

These people overlook everything that the Democratic party stands for such as abortion, gay rights, separation of church and state, affirmative action and being in opposition to everything else that Jesus Christ says is right and wrong.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that these individuals and others like them are essentially aligned with the Biblical individual known as the Antichrist [against Christ/Christianity].

The Democratic party both locally and nationally rewards them handsomely for keeping the black community under their control.

Some of the more nationally known preachers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, whenever we have a Democratic president are usually invited to the White House to talk to the president, have dinner, discuss issues, and a host of other things that are beneficial to both of them.

If they need funding for some project that they say is needed to help the black community, or even themselves, they would get the party's assistance in getting it started. This, in the eyes of the black community makes them, these preachers, look like the ones to go to whenever there is a problem in the community.

Jackson's 'Operation PUSH', and Sharpton's 'National Action Network', as well as others have been doing a lot of good things for the black community, but, at what cost??

If we look at Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, they travel all over the country and even overseas supposedly taking care of the people's business. They fly first class, have the best of food, and rub elbows with leaders of other nations as well as entertainers in Hollywood.

Oh yes, they put on the show all right, while the rest of the black community struggles just to make ends meet.

Michael Eric Dyson, who does not use the title of Rev., even though he is a preacher, prefers other titles like professor of sociology at Georgetown University, and is an academic.

For those of you that don't know, an academic is another name for a person that is highly educated with the degrees to prove it.

Many times he is called on, since he is a professor of sociology, to give his opinion on all sorts of social issues dealing with people of color.

He may be called on to appear on national television network talk shows, universities, speaking engagements, funerals, radio talk shows and the like.

He has a habit of, when he is asked to speak, showing just how intelligent he is by using a bunch of highly descriptive and fancy words, and phrases, that the average black person does not understand.

It is individuals like this man that people need to be wary of, because he will use his brilliance, to try and stifle any argument from any person that does not have his level of education, which for the most part is nearly 3/4 this nation and 98% of the black community.

His purpose is to make himself appear superior to the rest of us.

That way, he can intimidate most people from engaging him in any sort of debate or just plain disagreeing with him. After all, if you can't understand what a person is saying how then can you disagree with them?

Now, the problem with Jackson, Sharpton, Dyson, and others like them is that as preachers, they are looked on as being true men of God, and as such, everything that they say, is straight from the mouth of God.

However, if you will notice when called on to give their opinion on pressing issues, they never, and I repeat never mention anything remotely connected to what God has to say.

What you will hear from them, is what scientists, psychiatrists, sociologists, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, judges, and a host of others have to say about what is right and wrong in our society.

This in spite of the fact it is these same groups of people that have gotten us in this mess in the first place, because they all form their opinions and conclusions outside of what God has to say about it.

And that my friend is a recipe for disaster!!!

The bible tells us, 'There is a way that seems right to men, but the end thereof is the way of death and destruction.' [Prov. 14:12, 16:25] or, how about,
Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

Isa 1:20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

The warning is plain!! Conclusion next month!!