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THE ODD BUNCH [4] SCRIPTURE – 1 Peter 2:9-10                                                                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER, 2023

BUT YE ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who HATH CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT;
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.




As I closed last month, I was talking about how man, with all his so-called education, is engaging in a battle he definitely can't win. That is because his foe, is God/Jesus Christ!!

We took a glimpse at abortion, LGBTQ, Separation of Church and state, and Capital Punishment.

There is one more I want to include before I finish, and it is one that the black community in this nation holds in the highest esteem. It is the hallmark/core of our belief system. That being, Affirmative Action[AA]!!

This is a man-based belief system, devised by the same fools that I was addressing earlier, as a means to, [they say] level the playing field.

The idea was logical in that it was to assist the black community in obtaining much of the same economic opportunities that whites had, but were denied to blacks, because of their poor skills in areas like math, science, reading and writing.

AA, was supposed to open the door to a better education for blacks, which in turn would lead to better opportunities to obtain the economic status, that was denied them because of racism/discrimination.

Many black leaders/preachers, threw their full support behind any politician that supported this idea. Those that rejected it, were labeled as supporting the status quo, or Uncle Toms, if they happened to be black.

One of the major arguments against it, was the fact that, it all boils down to 'reverse discrimination!!' The reason being, if you were going to pick someone for a position, promotion, or some other means of getting ahead, and your criteria for that decision was the color of the person's skin, then, that is tantamount to doing what blacks claimed whites were doing.

This opened up the door for people with lower grade/test scores being able to go ahead of those with better scores.

However, black leaders argued that the only reason blacks couldn't get better scores was because they were not afforded the opportunities of going to the better schools that whites were attending.

Now far be it from me to go in to all the details about this, when both sides seem to have valid points.

However, as a member of the 'odd bunch', I looked at not what man was saying, but, what God had to say about it.

Man can come up with a lot of spot-on points to defend this issue, but, I choose to go with what God says about it.

First of all, racism/affirmative action, both have one major thing in common and that is showing favoritism towards someone, for no other reason than how they look. That's it!!

Now, with that being the case, does Christ address this issue anywhere in the Bible??

He most certainly does!!

In the epistle/letter of James 2, it starts out addressing those that say they are Christians, by telling them that they should not be judging people based on, their appearance. In this case, he was talking about how 2 men were dressed, when they came in to a feast. One had on the clothes that showed him as being wealthy, and the other, the clothes of a poor man.

The wealthy man was offered the best seat in the house, while the poor man had to stand in the place for beggars.

What James went on to say was that for

Christians, this was sinful.

How does that example translate to what we are talking about with AA?

Well, the make-up of a man is. he is a spirit, that possesses a soul, that lives in a body. When you look at yourself in a mirror, the real you, is looking at the house, or clothing that you are wrapped up in, or wearing.

When you see others, you are looking at the clothes/skin they are wearing. In this case it could be any color, white, black, red, yellow or whatever.

Therefore, if you treat people different because of the clothing/house they are in, then this passage addresses you as being guilty of sin.

For the Christian, we are supposed to be modeling ourselves after Christ/God. And as such, since He is no respecter of persons, then, neither should we be.

But as I said earlier, these educated-preachers, know nothing about that because they are spiritually blind! And mind you, I would rather say they are blind, than to think that they are fully aware of what they are doing, and its consequences.

Anyway, when it comes to God, and favoritism, the only way for a person to receive that, is by way of that person's faith, in Him[Hebrews 11:6]. The greater your faith in Him, the more Blessings you will experience in your life.

You definitely will not receive favor from Him, by acting like He doesn't exist, or is partial to you because of who/what you are.

God knows how to turn, what man designs to lift himself up, in to something that lifts others up, over him.

Case in point, though AA, was meant to help blacks get ahead, the major beneficiaries of it, just happen to be white women, with black women coming in second. Black men, come in near the bottom of the list.

Now, my whole point is, you can't get around what God says, and expect to get ahead. In fact, the opposite will be the result.

Every single thing that man has come up with, that was meant to better himself, that did not include any consideration of what God had to say about it, has ended up being a disaster.

This is why God tells us to,
2Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

2Cor 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

This passage of scripture also says something else that many don't see.

Ever hear people say, 'we are all God's children??'

Well, that is not true. No one is born a child of God. You have to be adopted in to the Family of God, by being 'Born Again.' And part of that process is, to stop acting and thinking like the world/ungodly.

Every thing that you have learned from what can best be described as carnally minded institutions, and people, needs to be discarded. And, it doesn't matter if they are strangers, friends, or family. Christians are called to put what God/Christ says, above all others.

Doing otherwise, even in the so-called 'little things', can cause you trouble.

SSol 2:15 Take us the foxes, THE LITTLE FOXES, THAT SPOIL THE VINES: for our vines have tender grapes.

Here, we are being told that it is not always a major event that will destroy you, but rather some little thing that no one would even give a second thought to. If a rattlesnake bites you, you will seek medical attention right away. However, if a mosquito, or tick bites you, you will probably brush it off, and go on about your business. If that insect was carrying some deadly disease, you would never know it until you got really sick.

Well, in like manner, that is what carnal mindedness is. It is a mindset that gets you to ignore what you might consider a trivial matter, which, in the eyes of God, is enough to bring about your destruction.

Carnal mindedness sees nothing wrong with abortion, gay rights and marriage, separation of Church and state, opposing capital punishment, because all of these are showing compassion to individuals that have somehow got off on the wrong foot. It's not their fault!!


Without exception, no one can be justified in what they are involved in, because, as the Bible says,
Rom 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; SO THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE:

Try as you might, no one is truly innocent of anything that they are doing that God rejects. So the best thing for them to do, is repent, and turn away from what they are doing.

This last passage let's us know that there is plenty of evidence around, as to the Reality of the Living God, and the Truth of His Holy Word. And, this is to the world, as well as the Christian.

This evidence is clearly visible for all to see. The problem is, to the spiritually blind, even though they are looking right at it, they can't make heads or tails as to what it means.

The 'odd bunch', have our connection to the source of information that explains everything to us.

This is why, when we say something about what is going on in this nation and the world, people look at us, as if we just dropped in from another world.

Look, when I was in the military[Air Force], I was an Air Policeman.

As part of my training for that field, I had to be trained in many areas. One of those was the area of accident/crime scene investigation.

My training taught me, among other things to not just take the statements of witnesses, if there were any, but to look for evidence, and compare it to what I was told, to see if it matched up.

Some times, when there were more than one witness, I would talk to each of them separately, to get information. This was because, if I interviewed them together, there was a chance that they would have a tendency to back each others account of what they saw, which could help distort the facts. On the other hand, individually, I might get more than one version of what they saw.

You would be surprised at how 2 or more people could be looking at the same thing, and yet give you different versions of what they saw.

Well, the same thing goes for what is going on in this nation and the world. Everyone is seeing the same thing[s], but coming up with different reasons for what is happening. And as such, the differing solutions.

The vast majority of them, are getting their information from people that themselves, are just as blind as they are.

The problem being, they can't see the consequences of those solutions, days, weeks, months, years or more down the road. But, God can, and He reveals it to His 'Odd Bunch!!' He then tasks us to warn others.

Oh, we could keep quiet, and keep it to ourselves. That way, it would keep down confusion and divisiveness. However, doing so, would place us on the wrong side of God's Love/Justice.

To save space, read this passage of scripture and see what God has to say about the duties of a 'watchman!!' [Ezek. 33[entire]].

You will see that for the 'odd bunch', there is no option, if we want to remain in His good graces. I don't want anyone's blood on my hands. Those educated-preachers, don't know this, or they don't believe it. That, makes them dangerous to you and those you love!!

It is all a matter of just what you think a 'true friend' is.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, to come down here and show us our evil ways, and how we can get back in His Good Graces. When His Son left, He put that mission on the 'odd Bunch!'

The world, crucified Him, and they will do the same to us [odd bunch].

The world thinks that a true friend, is one who will support them in whatsoever they want to do. Prv 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

The 'odd bunch' is not here to be your friend if you are looking for support, we are here to tell you the truth.


That's the bottom line!!! Amen.